Because physical limitation can never put brakes on mental innovation.

Art and craft

Art speaks volumes and knows no limits. It gives wheelchair-bound the wings to fly through their imaginations. Art gives an individual an opportunity to communicate with people. Many have physical limitations, they create artwork with feet or even mouth, yet they produce some of the most beautiful and intricate artwork that you can imagine.

We at RAAH aim to support artists who are actively seeking art admirers and need exploration. We help them to bring out their hidden talents by giving them a platform to promote their art and craft through exhibiting their creations and showcasing their work on our eCommerce portal. A platform where they will also be in touch with other artists to discover new horizons. 

We will make sure their hard work opens up doors for them by making their art reach the audience of art lovers, collectors, museums, and galleries. Displaying their art will motivate them and let them forget their vulnerabilities and earn a living. 

Being able to conquer anything and believing that nothing can bound them will instill confidence in them. Having exposed their talents will help in personal growth and ensure that they have no qualms about their abilities.

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