Helping Hand To Support Neha’s Treatment

Team RAAH hereby wants to raise funds for Neha and support her to get rid of the painful gallstones and jaundice she is suffering from at present. Neha, who just is 20, is a wheelchair bound individual. She already was struggling because of the spinal injury she had in her childhood. But being a strong girl, she was somehow managing herself by keeping busy in her online job while trying to live a smoother life.

She could have continued with her everyday struggles if the gall bladder stone and jaundice would not have hindered her way. With her limited resources, bearing the hefty amount of Rs.1,00,000 for medically treating her ailment is a big challenge for her. So, on her behalf, team RAAH requests you to kindly contribute towards the treatment and help during this time of need. Each contribution is important!

Please help us raise this amount by clicking on the donate button and sharing this page with your friends and family.

We are grateful for your help and wishes.

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