We are different but not less.

Online Work


When it comes to working and earning a living, disabled people have to face more challenges as compared to normal people. Even after having higher qualifications, disabled people may have to let go of opportunities due to accessibilities. At the same time, most of the jobs are designed for the abled people who can visit the office to get the work done. This serves as one spot where there is a visible level of discrimination among talent and ability. However, disability is mostly about the physical limitation but a trained brain can do wonders.

As a team of such ambitious people with decent professional careers, we invite our community members to stand up for themselves. We provide assistance to all the people belonging to the disabled community to become financially independent by helping them find suitable remote working opportunities. We provide training and job assistance for the same.

Having worked with various local and international clients, we have built a reputation for ourselves and we wish to take it forward and provide a good source of income for the disabled.  

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