Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.

Wheelchair Training

A wheelchair serves as the legs of a physically challenged. From electric wheelchairs to manual ones, you can get a stock of wheelchairs in the market. While buying one solely depends on your pocket, maneuvering one, particularly a manual wheelchair is not at all as easy as it seems, especially in particular situations like shifting, or climbing a slope, etc. You may require external help for that.

Keeping this in mind we also wish to arrange for wheelchair training camps led by expert wheelchair trainers who can guide and acknowledge the wheelchair users on every aspect of a wheelchair- from buying the most appropriate one to getting full control on the wheelchair so that the user can perform the daily activities with an ease, present a wheelchair dance or even throw baskets. Overall speaking, they can live a free and independent life.

Imran, one of our team members, has already guided a few on buying wheelchairs and also assisted them on using the same. We are now looking forward to increasing these numbers and organizing wheelchair training camps.

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